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Robots.txt Generator

Robots.txt Make use of Google's Robots.txt Generator: A Crawler's Guide.

A file called "robots.txt" tells crawlers how to go through a website. It's also called the "robots exclusion protocol," and websites use this standard to tell bots which parts of their site need to be indexed. You can also tell these crawlers which parts of your site you don't want them to look at because they have duplicate content or are still being worked on. Bots like malware detectors and email harvesters don't follow this standard. Instead, they look for holes in your security and are likely to start looking at your site from places you don't want them to.

The "user-agent" directive is part of a full Robots.txt file. Below it, you can add other directives, such as "allow," "disallow," "crawl-delay," etc. It could take a long time to write by hand, and you can put more than one line of commands in one file. If you don't want the bots to visit a certain page, write "Disallow: the link you don't want them to visit." The same is true for the attribute "allowing." If you think that's all the robots.txt file has, it's not easy. One wrong line can keep your page from being indexed. So, it's best to let our Robots.txt generator take care of the file for you and let the experts handle the job.

What Does SEO Robot txt Mean?

Do you know that this small file can help your website get a better rank?

The robots.txt file is the first thing that search engine bots look at. If it's not there, there's a big chance that crawlers won't index all of your site's pages. You can change this tiny file later when you add more pages using small instructions, but don't add the main page to the "do not allow" list. Google has something called a "crawl budget," which is based on a "crawl limit." The "crawl limit" is the amount of time crawlers will spend on a website. If Google finds out that crawling your site disrupts the user experience, it will crawl the site more slowly. This means that every time Google sends a spider to your site, it will only check a few pages, and it will take a while for your most recent post to be indexed. Your website needs a sitemap and a robots.txt file to get rid of this restriction. By telling the crawlers which links on your site need more attention, these files will speed up the crawling process.

Since every bot has its own crawl rate for a website, a WordPress website also needs a good robot file. The reason is that it has a lot of pages that don't need to be indexed. Our tools can even help you create a WP robots.txt file.Also, crawlers will still index your site even if you don't have a robotics.txt file. If your site is a blog and doesn't have many pages, you don't need one.

What Do the Instructions in a Robots.txt File Do?

If you are making the file by hand, you need to know the rules that the file follows. You can even make changes to the file once you know how it works.

Crawl-delay This directive keeps crawlers from making the host too busy. If there are too many requests, the server can become overloaded, which will make things bad for the users. Different search engine bots, like those from Bing, Google, and Yandex, handle the crawl-delay directive in different ways. For Yandex, there's a wait between visits; for Bing, it's like a time window in which the bot will only visit the site once; and for Google, you can use the search console to control how often the bots visit.
Allowing The allowing directive is used to allow the following URL to be indexed. You can add as many URLs as you want, which could make your list long, especially if it's a shopping site. Still, you should only use the robots file if there are pages on your site that you don't want indexed.
Disallowing The main goal of a robots file is to stop crawlers from going to the links, directories, etc. that are listed. These directories, on the other hand, are used by other bots that don't follow the standard and need to check for malware.

What's the difference between a sitemap and a robots.txt file?

Every website needs a sitemap because it tells search engines what they need to know. A sitemap tells bots how often and what kind of content you add to your website. Its main purpose is to tell search engines which pages on your site need to be crawled. The robotics.txt file, on the other hand, is for crawlers. It tells crawlers which pages to crawl and which ones not to. To get your site indexed, you need a sitemap, but you don't need a robots.txt file (if you don't have pages that don't need to be indexed).