Whois Domain Lookup

What is a Whois lookup for a domain?

A Whois lookup lets you find out who owns a domain name and how long they have had it. In the same way that all houses are registered with a government agency, all domain name registries keep track of every domain name that is bought through them, including who owns it and when it was bought.

What information is in the Whois database?

The Whois database has information like when the domain name was registered, when it will expire, who owns it and how to contact them, the nameserver information for the domain, the registrar through which the domain was bought, etc.

What does "Whois IP lookup" mean?

A server's IP is its unique address on the internet. In the same way that a phone number lets you connect to a particular phone on the telecom network, an IP address lets your computer connect to a particular server on the internet.

Domain names and IP numbers are what make up the World Wide Web as a whole.

IP numbers are given to networking organisations, and governing bodies keep track of each IP number and which organisation it belongs to. With a whois IP lookup, you can find out all of the above information about a domain.

How do I do a "Whois" lookup?

Use the search box above to look up the Whois information for a domain name or IP address. We'll ask the right database for a recent record and give it to you.

How do I make sure my Whois information is always correct?

If you have bought a domain, the information stored with your domain registrar is what is sent to the registry for the Whois database. Contact your registrar to change the Whois contact information for each of your domains.

What steps can I take to protect the privacy of my domain?

Some registrars offer privacy protection services that let their clients hide their real contact information in the Whois search result. This keeps spammers and scammers from getting their private contact information. Talk to your registrar to find out more about what you can do.

Why does my Whois domain lookup hide some entries?

If the owner of a domain name has used the privacy protection services of their registrar, some information may be hidden in the Whois lookup results. Also, some registries hide some information on purpose to comply with local privacy laws.

My information doesn't match the Whois results. How can I change my Whois information?

According to the rules set up by ICANN, registrars are expected to keep the Whois database updated with the correct contact information for the domain name owner. Most registrars use the information given by the buyer when the domain was bought.

If your information doesn't match up with the Whois results, you can change it by contacting your registrar, who will be able to help you update your information. Once this information has been changed, so will the Whois record. On average, this change can take up to 24 hours to show up in the Whois database.

Can I use Whois domain lookup to sign up for new domains?

You can use the Whois lookup service to find out if a domain name is registered or not. Whois.com can be used to register a domain name that hasn't been registered yet but is still available.

If the domain name has already been registered, you can either register one of the similar domain names we suggest or use the contact information to get in touch with the owner and politely try to work out a sale. It is against the law to use the Whois lookup service to get in touch with people without their permission.

How do I use the Whois database to find domains that are still open?

You can look up a domain name in the Whois database to see if it is still available. It will tell you if the domain name you are looking for is still available or not. If you do this over time for several domain names, you can build a list of domain names that are available.